Janitorial Services

Regular janitorial services involve so much more than dumping garbage and swinging a mop. Your business’s image, health and safety for employees and customers is a daily concern that requires regular attention by trained professionals. Total Clean Plus has experience dealing with workplace hazards, office equipment, furniture, and the appropriate supplies to preserve it.

Cleaning Services

Mat Service
Carpet Cleaning
janitorial cleaning services
Floor mats provide a number of benefits to your business. Improve the image of your store or office with clean mats. Reduce slips and falls with clean, secure surfaces. Reduce the wear and tear on floors. With a floor mat service you get clean mats on a regular schedule. No gas charges, admin charges, environmental charges or any hidden charges. We have developed a  " Flat Rates" program to ensure you meet your budgets.
mat rentals
cleaning services toronto
We are in the business of solving business solutions. Our mission is to be the best. Total Clean Plus creates the greatest value for our clients by supporting talented and passionate service professionals driven to produce a positive impact on your core business.

Our vision is clear. We are dedicated service professionals delivering as promised. We strive to be the best at what we do every day, continuously aiming to outdo ourselves. We continue to aim higher and therefore produce greater value for our customers. Cleaning service is easy to promise, but we only promise what we know we can deliver.

Our core values mean everything. Including Customers, Innovation, and Integrity, they are the basis of any and everything we do, and are integral to every service we provide.

Our history is one of humble beginnings. We are a privately owned Canadian business which has collectively over 20 years of experience. Committed to impeccable service and doing right by the customer has been our success.
carpet cleaning services
We specialize in commercial cleaning service and floor maintenance programs. Our professional staff have the best cleaning solutions for your facilities needs. Well maintained floors and a clean environment give you a good corporate and professional image. We have a complete and comprehensive carpet cleaning service which only uses state of the art cleaning agents to focus on removing dirt and stains safely and diligently.
green cleaning green seal
Green cleaning has major benefits. It is safe for children and pets. It has been shown to improve the productivity of building occupants, improve the health and reduce complaints of the cleaning staff, and helps to reduce sick days. More and more companies are recognizing that environmentally responsible design and production are an integral part of their mission and the value they want to deliver to their customers. The Green Seal® sends a clear message: we care about improving the health and welfare of people and the planet.

Green Seal bases its work on thorough, state-of-the-art scientific evaluations using internationally accepted methodologies. Product evaluations are conducted using a life-cycle approach to ensure that all significant environmental impacts of a product are considered, from raw materials extraction through manufacturing to use and disposal. Wherever possible, Green Seal standards cite international test methods for evaluating product performance or environmental attributes
Clean Safe
total clean plus

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Commercial, corporate, government, industrial, manufacturing, and multi-residential properties.

and Building Maintenance
Janitorial and cleaning services Toronto.
Tel: 416-677-4420